Jepson Family Website

Hello, this is just the start of a more extensive website for my family.
I am a highschool Social Studies teacher in Eden Prairie (Minneapolis) Minnesota.
Susan and I have been married for 24 years and have three boys (Billy, Jonny, and Joey) who are now 21, 19, and 16.

Susan and Bill
Susan and Bill

Billy, Susan, Jonny, Bill, Joey, in May 2010
Jonnys graduation from Highschool

Bill, Joey, Susan, Billy, Jonny in May 2006

sue, boys
Sue and the boys in the backyard 2004
Sue and the boys in the Vatican April 2005

Jon,Bill,Joe,Billy in northern MN 10-04
Jonny, Bill, Joey, Billy - Cascade Falls N. Minnesota - Oct. 2004
Bill and the boys in the Roman Colloseum April 2005

Recent Jepson Family Photo Collages

2006 Jepson Family Collage

Jepson collage 2005
2005 Jepson Family Collage
2004 Jepson Family Collage

2003 Jepson Family Collage

1998 Jepson Collage
1998 Jepson Family Collage
